Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Number 1 Maze - Optical Illusions Maze Numbers

Number 1 Maze
This optical illusion maze is of the very first number that is in the sequence with counting in real numbers. In many ways, the number 1 is also used as a metaphor to for a variety of symbolisms including that of the individual, that of unity, such as nation or team unity. The person who is in first place, thereby being the best person at that thing (at least amongst his/her peers). Here we see the number 1 used as the defining pattern of the optical illusion maze. There are more number mazes on the way, but try to solve all of them, no skipping to the larger number! Ok, I guess you can skip if you really want to. No use in me trying to control what you do on the internet.

Aside from the obvious reasons for the number one to be a significant number, it is also a number that when put into a repeating sequence appears as a picket fence.

Can't solve it? Want the next maze? proceed to the next maze

Multiple choice fun fact:

Which of these numbers most looks like a picket fence:

  1. 230055
  2. 904110
  3. 1111111
  4. 34098-
  5. 7
Keep scrolling down to the bottom for the results:

Solution to the previous maze, the Happy New Years Maze is below

Maze solution to happy new years maze:

The multiple choice fun fact questions: If you laughed when you saw the 111111 , then that indicates you have an above average IQ. If you made any active effort to solve it, well, then you are a hard worker.
Multiple Choice Fun Fact, factoid, multiple choice, new years maze solution, maze art, number 1 maze, number mazes, optical illusions, yonatan frimer

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Visual Illusion Maze Art - Jagged Spinning Swirly by Yonatan Frimer

Jagged & Swirly Maze by Yonatan Frimer

jagged swirl maze optical illusion by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of a jagged & swirly optical illusion pattern that is pretty trippy to look at because of it's psychedelic properties

Maze solution for the jagged swirl maze.

The viewer should consider looking and studying the maze for a prolonged few moments in order to better grasp the optical illusion within the maze pattern.

After said viewer (you) stare at the maze for a few long seconds, the image will begin to warp and begin to take shape in a very trippy and psychedelic fantastic manner. The center of the maze juts out from the center vanishing point in a jagged pattern that causes the viewer to imagine it swirling around. The maze is not animated and is completely static, however your eyes may think otherwise, a classical form of optical illusion that you may have seen before, but never as a maze.

To solve this maze, look for, and find the maze entrance and maze exit, which ought to be clearly marked by arrows, and then the path that connects those two (the entrance and exit of the maze). If you just can't seem to solve it or find the maze too frustrating, you can sneak a peak at the maze solution which you shall find under the maze itself, somewhere on this page.

Many elaborate-but-can't-share-here and special thanks to the Maze art blog for this incredible maze that they kindly provided to allows us to share it here with you.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Awesome Optical Illusion Maze Art

The Electric Maze Optical Illusion

Optical Illusion maze of an off centered electric swirl by Yonatan Frimer
Maze of an off-centered optical illusion of an electrical swirl, also often refered to as the paparazzi maze. The maze was hand drawn in pain-staking multi hour process. If you look at the upper left corner and the lower right corner, you'll notice arrows demarking the entry and exit to the maze. Now get to work and solve by finding the path of all white that connects the two, without crossing over any of the black of the maze design.

If you can't solve this maze, have a look at the Electric Optical Illusion maze solution

Rorschach Maze
Rorschach maze art by Yonatan Frimer

What you see in this maze is created by your imagination depending on your personality and mood.
Some see a sun, a moon, a face, a bugs face, a happy bug, and much more.
Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner.
If you find that this maze is a bit to hard for you, you can check out the Maze solution for Rorschach maze
But seriously, try and solve the maze and make a good effort before you run away to peek at the solution

Swirly Tunnel Optical Illusion Maze

vortext tunnel maze by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of a tunnel swirling in various directions and making it harder to solve
Maze begins in the upper left corner and exits in the lower right.
If you get too dizzy and can't solve the maze,
don you worry about all the haze
Just click right here and your problems resolved

Alas the vortex tunnel spinning maze is solved

Paparazzi Maze Optical Illusion of camera flash.

paparazzi maze art by Yonatan Frimer
This maze was inspired by how The Maze Artist imagines the rich and famous must feel being chased after by flashing cameras, snapping away images that will forever immortalise their moments. Following them in to places only a paparazzi person would follow someone and again, with the flashing, the questions, the yelling of your name, the cameras when you go anywhere public and no sign of it ever letting up. The paparazzi make their living taking pictures of celebrities, so it is very easy to understand why they badger the celebrity so much, but it is still a very dizzy and annoying experience from the part of the celebrity, but no one ever said fame doesn't have it's price.
You may not be able to solve the paparazzi problems in the world, but you can solve this maze.
And if you can't solve the maze, you can visit the Paparazzi Maze Solution

Monday, May 2, 2011

Chaos Maze of Optical Illusion by Yonatan Frimer

Chaos Maze - Optical Illusion
Chaos maze art by Yonatan Frimer
Maze of artist's rendition and mind's eye perception of the concept of Chaos combined with Optical Illusion mantra. The pattern that composes the maze is an optical illusion concept in which lines form borders that polarise the shading of the pattern, making the border create an object to look as if it is three dimensional and multi layered.

If you can't solve this maze, have a look at the Chaos maze solution

Thursday, April 28, 2011

‘Lost’ maze revealed in Buckinghamshire

click here to read the article source

A ‘lost’ maze has been revealed in the gardens at Cliveden in Buckinghamshire by the National Trust. The maze that disappeared over half a century ago, originally made for Lord Astor in 1894, has been re-created using over 1,000 two metre (six feet six inches) high yew trees.

The fully-fledged maze is based on one that was built for Lord Astor in 1894 but had ceased to be maintained since the mid-1900s.

The new maze, a horticultural project on a scale rarely seen these days, has taken two years to create, using over 1,000 metres of steel edging and 120 tonnes of gravel to produce 500 metres of path over one third of an acre. It is the same size as the world-famous Hampton Court maze.

Lord Astor’s designs for the maze were discovered in National Trust archives in 2005. Apart from a few surviving yew trees that provided the exact location of the maze, little else was known about the original maze.

The two-year project was led by Cliveden’s head gardener Andrew Mudge. He said: “Once we found the old plans in 2005 we just felt compelled to recreate it. It took a lot of research and planning to firstly draw out the plans, and to prepare the ground.

“The maze will take a little while to really establish itself and fill out, but it’s fantastic that people can enjoy it straight away. And don’t worry, you can’t cheat by pushing through the hedges because they are all enclosed by metal railings.

“And because it’s yet to appear on Google Earth, there’s no cheating using mobile phones either, so it’s a real treat for people who want to puzzle their way in and out of the maze.”

Each tree on arrival, weighed approximately 60 kilograms, and four 40 foot long lorries were required to transport them.

Mike Calnan, head of gardens and parks at the National Trust, said: “Mazes provide a perfect opportunity for people to get outdoors and to have fun exploring these rare, but important features from our gardening past. The Cliveden maze will be the most important yew maze the Trust will have restored to date.”

The Maze is a highlight in Cliveden’s ongoing renaissance to return it to its former 19th Century splendour, when the grounds were world famous for their sophisticated planting and landscaping. Other recent developments include the opening up of long lost vistas and footpaths and the re-instatement of historical planting schemes.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Awesome Optical Illusion Mazes by Yonatan Frimer

"Please Stop Spinning" Optical Illusion Maze
Optical Illusion Maze
Maze of a crazy optical illusion that causes the viewer to think that the circles are moving or spinning, although they don't change or move at all.
Top Twelve Places to Download The Super Swirly Optical Illusion Maze
  1. Picassa Web Maze of Spinning Super Swirl
  2. Swirly Spinning Maze on Devian Art
  3. Please stop spinning maze on Fine Art America
  4. Spin to stop maze on Flickr
  5. Optical Illusion Mazes Facebook
  6. Please STOP Spinning Maze on TwitPic
  7. Super Swirly Maze Optical Illusion
  8. Maze Super Spin Please Stop on Photobucket
  9. Swirly Super Maze on Saatchi Online
  10. Super Swirly Maze on Live Journal
  11. Super Swirly Optical Illusion Maze on Red Bubble
  12. Please Stop Spinning Maze on Maze BLOG

Inside the Mobius strip - Optical Illusion Maze

Doppler Optical Illusion Maze of an Elliptical Spiral
eliptical spiral dopler maze
Maze art of a Doppler warping elliptical spiral by Yonatan Frimer

Top Thirteen Places to Download Doppler Elliptical Maze

  1. Eliptical Maze on Devian Art
  2. Maze Eliptical Dopler on Fine Art America
  3. Maze Dopler El Eliptical on Flickr
  4. Dopler Maze on Facebook
  5. Maze Elliptical Spiral on TwitPic
  6. Dopler Maze Rossello Damiano
  7. Maze Psychedelic Nike Just Do It on Photobucket
  8. Dopler Maze on Saatchi
  9. Eliptical Maze on Live Journal
  10. Dopler Maze on Picassa Web
  11. Eliptical Spiral Maze on Red Bubble
  12. Dopler Eliptical Spiral Maze on TeamOfMonkeys.com
  13. Doppler Maze Blog

Happy Judaica Maze by Yonatan Frimer

Yonatan Frimer maze art of happy face made of jewish symbols
Maze of two Hamsas (Hand of Fatima) for the eyes, a magen david (AKA Star of David) and a menorah make the crude appearance of a smiley face. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Having problems solving the mazes, view the maze solution to happy judaica Maze, in the rare even you can't solve this maze on your own

Top Eleven Ways to Download the Happy Judaica Maze
  1. Judaica Maze Art on Facebook
  2. Happy Judaica Maze on Fine Art America
  3. Picassa Web Maze of Happy Judaica
  4. Judaica Maze Art on Devian Art
  5. Happy Jewish Maze on Flickr
  6. Judaica Happy Maze on the TwitPic
  7. Maze of Happy Judaica on Photobucket
  8. Happy Judaica Maze on Saatchi
  9. Happy Judaica Maze on Live Journal
  10. Get Happy Judaica Maze on Red Bubble
  11. Happy Judaica maze on Maze blog
And you can get the Happy Judaica Maze at the source at Team Of Monkeys . Com

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Optical Illusion Mazes - By Yonatan Frimer

Optical Illusion Maze | Hurts The Eyes | Floating Box Illusion

Yonatan Frimer Optical Illusion Maze
Hurts-The-Eyes Optical Illusion Maze | Maze of floating box optical illusion | Yonatan Frimer

Close your eyes and look away if you feet faint or dizzy. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Top eleven Places to find the Psychedelic Optical Illusion "Hurts The Eyes" Maze:

  1. Hurts the Eyes Optical Illusion Maze on Facebook
  2. Hurts The Eyes Optical Illusion on Fine Art America
  3. Picassa Web Maze of Optical Illusion that hurts the eyes
  4. Yonatan Frimer Optical Illusion Maze that hurts the eys on Devian Art
  5. Hurts the Eyes Optical illusion Maze by Yonatan Frimer on Flickr
  6. Maze of Optical Illusion that hurts the eye and is of a floating box on TwitPic
  7. Maze of an Optical Illusion that Hurts The Eyes on Photobucket
  8. Maze of optical illusion that hurts the eyes on Saatchi Online
  9. Optical Illusion Maze that hurts the eyes by Yonatan Frimer on Live Journal
  10. Get the Yonatan Frimer Optical Illusion that Hurts The Eyes at the source at Team Of Monkeys . Com
  11. Or Check out The Maze Blog for the Optical Illusion that Hurts The Eyes

Optical Illusion Maze | Your Ad Here Campaign | Maze Ad

Yonatan Frimer Optical Illusion Swirly Maze psychedelic pattern
Swirly Optical Illusion Maze | Maze with psychedelic swirly | Maze Ads | Yonatan Frimer

Graphic sample to be used with a logo or ad in the middle. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Top Eleven Places to find the Psychedelic Optical Illusion Swirly Maze:

  1. Psychedelic Optical Illusion Maze on Facebook
  2. Yonatan Frimer Optical Illusion Swirly Maze on Fine Art America
  3. Picassa Web Maze of Optical Illusion Swirly Psychedelic Puzzle
  4. Yonatan Frimer Optical Illusion Maze on Devian Art
  5. Psychedelic swirly maze by Yonatan Frimer on Flickr
  6. Maze of Optical Illusion Psychedelic Swirl by Yonatan Frimer on TwitPic
  7. Optical Illusion Maze By Yonatan Frimer on Rossello Damiano
  8. Maze of an Optical Illusion Swirly Vortex on Photobucket
  9. Maze of optical illusion swirly by Yonatan Frimer on Saatchi Online
  10. Optical Illusion Maze by Yonatan Frimer on Live Journal
  11. Or get the swirly optical illusion maze at the maze blog

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Coca Cola Maze Ad Sample by Yonatan Frimer

Coco-Cola Maze | Coca-Cola Campaign | Maze Ad

Psychedelic maze of a Coca Cola glass with bubbles and coke in it by Yonatan Frimer.
Coca Cola Classic Maze | Maze with Bubbles | Maze Ads | Yonatan Frimer

Ad Sample for Coca-Cola that I made to pitch the idea of making Coca Cola ads with mazes.

These ads where created for sample purpose only and have not been used in any actual campaign by Coca-Cola and do not represent their brand.

Top Ten Place to Download the Coca Cola Classic Maze Ad:

  1. Coca-Cola Maze on Facebook
  2. Coca Cola Maze on Fine Art America
  3. Picassa Web Maze of Coca Cola Classic Ad
  4. Coca-Cola Maze on Devian Art
  5. Coca Cola Maze on Flickr
  6. Coca Cola Maze on the TwitPic
  7. Psychedelic Coca-Cola Maze on Rossello Damiano
  8. Maze Classic Coca-Cola on Photobucket
  9. Coca Cola Classic Maze on Saatchi
  10. Coca Cola Maze on Live Journal

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Maze of Car Jacking LoJack Ad by Yonatan Frimer

Car Jacking Maze LoJack Ad

car jacking maze
Car Jacking Maze | Advertisement for LoJack | Maze Ads | Yonatan Frimer

Maze of a Car Jacking as an advertisment for LoJack. The image was created using high contrast style that is very memorable. If you find yourself thinking about this ad in the next 3 days, then I think it worked.

These ads where created for sample purpose only and have not been used in any actual campaign by LoJack and do no represent their brand.

Top Ten Place to Download Car Jacking Maze

  1. Picassa Web Car Jacking Maze
  2. Car Jacking Maze on Devian Art
  3. Maze of Car Jacking on Fine Art America
  4. Maze Of Car Jacking on Flickr
  5. Car Jacking Maze on Facebook
  6. Maze of the Car Jacking on TwitPic
  7. Maze of Car Jacking Online
  8. Maze of Car Jacking on Photobucket
  9. Car Jacking Maze on Saatchi Online
  10. Car Jacking Maze on Live Journal

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Quarter Maze | Monkey Maze | Night Maze | by Yonatan Frimer

M is for Monkey(s) Maze
Yonatan Frimer M is for Maze of Monkeys
Click for Maze Solution of Monkey Maze
Maze of monkeys holding up their own letters. Created to go right next to the maze of the letter M for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet, basic reading, and how to count. Maze ends in the lower left corner and begins in the upper left corner.

Top Ten URL's to download Monkey Maze:
  1. Monkeys Maze on Flickr
  2. Maze of Monkeys on Twitpic and Twitter
  3. Monkeys Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Monkey Maze on Team Of Monkeys . Com
  5. Maze of Monkey maze on photobucket
  6. Maze of Monkeys on The Facebook
  7. My Monkey Maze on PicasaWeb
  8. Your Monkey Maze on Devian Art
  9. Our Monkey Maze on Fine Art America
  10. Monkey Maze on Rossello Damiano
Also thanks to this source for the monkey maze

N Is For Night Maze

Yonatan Frimer Moon at Night Maze Art
Click for Maze Solution of Night Maze
Maze of the moon in the dark of night with stars all around. Created to go right next to the maze of the letter N for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet, basic reading, and how to count. Maze ends in the lower left corner and begins in the upper left corner.

Top Ten (Eleven) URL's to download Monkey Maze:
  1. Night Maze on Flickr
  2. Night Maze on Twitpic and Twitter
  3. Night Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Night Maze on Team Of Monkeys . Com
  5. Night maze on photobucket
  6. Night Maze on The Facebook
  7. Night Maze on Live Journal
  8. Night Maze on PicasaWeb
  9. Night Maze on Devian Art
  10. Night Maze on Fine Art America
  11. Night Maze on Rossello Damiano
And special thanks for this maze source for the night maze cometh

Q is for Quarter MazeAwseome maze of a quarter dollar coin by Yonatan Frimer
Click for Maze Solution of Quarter Maze
Maze of a quarter of a quarter dollar for the letter Q maze. Created to go right next to the maze of the letter Q for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet, basic reading, and how to count. Maze ends in the lower left corner and begins in the upper left corner. Try to solve it without peaking at the solution. Good Luck!

Top Ten +1 |URL's to download Quarter Maze
  1. Quarter Maze on Flickr
  2. Quarter Maze on Twitpic and Twitter
  3. Quarter Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Quarter Maze on Team Of Monkeys . Com
  5. Quarter maze on photobucket
  6. Quarter Maze on Facebook
  7. Quarter Maze on PicasaWb
  8. Quarter Maze on Live Journal
  9. Quarter Maze on Devian Art
  10. Quarter Maze on Fine Art America
  11. Quarter Maze on Rossello Damiano
we'd also like to thank this source for providing the quarter maze

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mazes by Yonatan Frimer includeing Stop Sign Maze, electricity Maze and Union Maze

S is for Stop Sign Maze
yonatan frimer stop sign maze
Click for Maze Solution of Stop Sign Maze
Maze of a Stop Sign to go right next to the maze of the letter S for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet, basica reading, and how to count. The maze begins in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. Try to solve the maze in as little time as possible, and by starting at the begining and going all the way to the end of the maze. By Yonatan Frimer.

Special thanks to this source for introducing us to Stop Sign MAZE!

Top Ten |URL's to download Stop Sign Maze
  1. Stop Sign Maze on Fine Art America
  2. Stop Sign Maze on Flickr
  3. Stop Sign Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Stop Sign Maze on Picasa
  5. Stop Sign Maze on Live Journal
  6. Stop Sign Maze on photobucket
  7. Stop Sign Maze on Twitpic
  8. Stop Sign Maze on Devian Art
  9. Stop Sign Maze on Facebook
  10. Stop Sign Maze on Team Of Monkeys . Com

U is for Union Maze
psychedelic electrical outlet maze
Click for Maze Solution of Union Maze
Maze of two hands holding to form a union, to go right next to the maze of the letter U for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet, basica reading, and how to count. The maze begins in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. Try to solve the maze in as little time as possible, and by starting at the begining and going all the way to the end of the maze. By Yonatan Frimer.
Maze source for Union Maze

Top Ten |URL's to download Union Maze
  1. Union Maze on Fine Art America
  2. Union Maze on Flickr
  3. Union Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Union Maze on Picasa
  5. Union Maze on Live Journal
  6. Union maze on photobucket
  7. Union Maze on Twitpic
  8. Union Maze on Devian Art
  9. Union Maze on Facebook
  10. Union Maze on Team Of Monkeys . Com

E is for Electricity Maze
psychedelic electrical outlet maze
Click for Maze Solution of Electric Outlet Maze
Maze of an electrical outlet with psychedelic lightning bolts coming out of it. The maze starts in the upper-left corner and the maze ends in the lower right-hand corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter J for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet, basica reading, and how to count. By Yonatan Frimer.

Source for the Electricity Maze by Yonatan Frimer

Top Ten |URL's to download Electricity Maze
  1. Electricity Maze on Fine Art America
  2. Electricity Maze on Flickr
  3. Electricity Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Electricity Maze on Picasa
  5. Electric Maze on Live Journal
  6. Electric maze on photobucket
  7. Electric Maze on Twitpic
  8. Electric Maze on Devian Art
  9. Electricity Maze on Facebook
  10. Electic Maze on Team Of Monkeys . Com

J is for Jump Maze
volley ball jump maze yonatan frimer
Click for Maze Solution of Jump Maze
Maze of a car driving in a skid, almost drift pattern. Maze starts in the upper left corner and the maze exits in the lower right corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter J for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

Maze Image and content came from this source

Top Ten List of where to download the Jump Maze by Yonatan Frimer:
  1. Jump Maze on Fine Art America
  2. Jump Maze on Flickr
  3. Jump Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Jump Maze on Picasa
  5. Send Jump Maze ecard on 123 Greetings
  6. Jump Maze on Live Journal
  7. Jump maze on photobucket
  8. Jump Maze on Twitpic
  9. Jump Maze on Devian Art
  10. Jump Maze on Facebook
Random Maze Link

Monday, January 31, 2011

January 2011 Mazes: Jump, Car, X-Ray, and Doctor Mazes by Yonatan Frimer

J is for Jump Maze
volley ball jump maze yonatan frimer
Click for Maze Solution of Jump Maze
Maze of a car driving in a skid, almost drift pattern. Maze starts in the upper left corner and the maze exits in the lower right corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter J for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

Source for Jump Maze

Top Ten List of where to download the Jump Maze by Yonatan Frimer:
  1. Jump Maze on Fine Art America
  2. Jump Maze on Flickr
  3. Jump Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Jump Maze on Picasa
  5. Send Jump Maze ecard on 123 Greetings
  6. Jump Maze on Live Journal
  7. Jump maze on photobucket
  8. Jump Maze on Twitpic
  9. Jump Maze on Devian Art
  10. Jump Maze on Facebook

C is for Car Maze
car maze by Yonatan Frimer
Click for Maze Solution of Car Maze
Maze of a car driving in a skid, almost drift pattern. Maze starts in the upper left corner and the maze exits in the lower right corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter C for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.
Source for Car Maze
Top Ten List of where to download the Car Maze by Yonatan Frimer:
  1. Car Maze on Flickr
  2. Car Maze on Fine Art America
  3. Car Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Car Maze on Picasa
  5. Send Car Maze ecard on 123 Greetings - Drive Safely
  6. Car Maze on Live Journal
  7. Car maze on photobucket
  8. Car Maze on Twitpic
  9. Car Maze on Devian Art
  10. Car Maze on Facebook

X is for X-Ray Maze
x ray maze art
Click for Maze Solution of X-Ray Maze
Maze of a chest X-ray. The maze starts in the upper left corner and the maze exits in the lower right corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter X for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.
Source for X-Ray Maze
Top Ten List of other places you can download the X-Ray Maze by Yonatan Frimer other than this site:
  1. X-Ray Maze on Flickr
  2. X-Ray Maze on Fine Art America
  3. X-Ray Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. X-Ray Maze on Picasa
  5. Send X-Ray Maze ecard on 123 Greetings
  6. X-Ray Maze on Live Journal
  7. X-Ray maze on photobucket
  8. X-Ray Maze on Twitpic
  9. X-Ray Maze on Devian Art
  10. X-Ray Maze on Facebook, feel free to friend the artist

D is for Doctor Maze
Doctor Maze Art
Click for Maze Solution of Doctor Maze
Maze of a doctor with a tongue depressor about to ask a patient to say "AAAhHHH". The maze starts in the upper left corner and the maze exits in the lower right corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter D for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.
Source For Doctor Maze by Yonatan Frimer
You can also find The Doctor Maze online at these links:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fish and Volcano Mazes, For the Learn To A Maze Book by Yonatan Frimer

F is for Fish Maze
Maze of a fish for the letter F

Click for Maze Solution of Fish Maze
Maze of a tropical fish. The brave swimmers of our planet's waters. Maze starts in the upper left corner and maze ends in the lower right corner, marked by the arrows. This maze goes with the maze of the letter F for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

You can also find Fish Maze online at these links:

Sell Art Online

V is for Volcano Maze
Yonatan Frimer Maze of the Volcano

Click for Maze Solution of Maze of the Volcano
Maze of an erupting volcano, with magma and lava forming the walls of the maze. The maze starts in the upper left corner and the maze exits in the lower right corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter V for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

You can also find Fish Maze online at these links:
Sell Art Online

maze, volcano, fish, mazes, volcano maze, fish maze, art, maze art, puzzle, fun, letter v, letter f, tropical fish, fish mazes, volcano maze art, puzzle fun, yonatan, frimer, yonatan frimer, yfrimer

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lion and Horse And Goat Oh MY! Maze art of various animals by Yonatan Frimer

H is for Horse Maze
h is for horse maze by yonatan frimer for the letter H maze

Click for Maze Solution of Horse Maze
Maze of a horse, the animal humans used to ride to travel before the car or train was invented. It was either that or walking. Maze starts in the upper left corner and maze ends in the lower right corner, marked by the arrows. This maze goes with the maze of the letter H for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

You can also find Goat Maze online at these links:

G is for Goat Maze
Maze of a goat by Yonatan Frimer

Click for Maze Solution of Goat Maze
Maze of a goat, the furry cute farm animal with big horns. This maze goes with the maze of the letter G for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

You can also find Goat Maze online at these links:

L is for Lion Maze
Lion maze of letter L by Yonatan Frimer

Click for Maze Solution of Lion Maze
Maze of a lion, the king of the jungle and top of the food chain other than humans. Known for their courage, lions are power animals that control large territories and roam and hunt them. Maze starts in the upper left corner and maze ends in the lower right corner, marked by the arrows. This maze goes with the maze of the letter L for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

You can also find Goat Maze online at these links:

Check out more mazes at these links
Maze source for Goat, Lion and Horse Maze
Website Maze Source - Alphabet Mazes
Check out these Massive mazes, some of the largest and coolest mazes you'll see.

Monday, January 10, 2011

i is for igloo maze, by Yonatan Frimer

I is for Igloo Maze
Igloo Maze by Yonatan Frimer

Click for Maze Solution of Igloo Maze
Maze of an Igloo, the houses made of snow bricks that the eskimos make. The entrance of the maze is in the upper left corner, and the exit is in the lower right corner of the maze. This maze goes with the maze of the letter i for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

Amazing maize maze in New Zeland, plus a few Yonatan Frimer Mazes and maze links thrown in

I found this article about a maze in New Zeland that I wanted to share with you, my readers.

Below is the article mixed in with a few of my mazes with fun links of other mazes. I guess you can say is a maze of maze links of a reposted article about maize mazes that I wanted my maze fans to read about. Wow that was a tongue twister :)

this link on Karaka

Amazing Maze

Cool maze of a penguin


Tuesday 11th January, 10:00am – 5:00pm

Wednesday 12th January, 10:00am – 5:00pm

Thursday 13th January, 10:00am – 5:00pm

Friday 14th January, 10:00am – 5:00pm

Saturday 15th January, 10:00am – 5:00pm

Show all upcoming and past dates…


The Amazing Maze 'n Maize, 833 Kingseat Road, Karaka

Ticket Information:
Family (2 + 2):$35.00

The Amazing Maze 'n Maize is a giant maze cut into a paddock of maize (animal feed corn). The maze takes on average 45 minutes to complete. There are over 8 kms of paths, with bridges in the middle to get your bearings or to watch your friends from. Trivia and joke signs are placed throughout the mazes, and visitors can choose to make it a competition or just a walk in the corn.
There are 100 “Kernels of Knowledge” scattered throughout the maze, which relate this year’s new maze theme, Weird and Wacky.

Zebra maze by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of a zebra for the letter Z by Yonatan Frimer

The Amazing Maze ‘n Maize has many games and activities to play once you find yourselves out of the maze, including a bouncy castle. Open 7 days a week until the end of April.
The maze is located adjacent to Spookers, at Kingseat, Karaka. There are other family friendly activities for children ages 8 years and older, such as Terror Tours of Spookers Haunted House, and Disturbia, the 3D mind blowing extravaganza.
Children 8 years and older can also come to Creepers, on Thursday nights during the school holidays.


Train Maze by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of a train for the letter T

Maze of a deer caught in the headlights by Yonatan Frimer

Deer in the headlights maze yonatan frimer

O is for Ostrich Maze by Yonatan Frimer

O is for Ostrich Maze
Ostrich Maze

Click for Maze Solution of Ostrich Maze
Maze of an ostrich, a very big flightless bird that is the largest bird in the world and is larger than an average human. The entrance of the maze is in the upper left corner, and the exit is in the lower right corner of the maze. This maze goes with the maze of the letter O for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

Source page for this maze of an ostrich

Yonatan Frimer Maze art on Flickr
Maze art prints for sale by Yonatan Frimer
Maze blog

Friday, January 7, 2011

Wedding Maze - Bride and Groom Maze portrait of Yasha And Ayala Harari, Created by Yonatan Frimer

Wedding Maze Portait of Bride & Groom
bride and groom maze by Yonatan Frimer

Click for Maze Solution of Bride and Groom Wedding Maze
Maze portrait of Yasha Harari as the groom and Ayala Cutzu-Harari as the bride. Good friends of mine who got married in early January 2011. I had made a small wage beer bet a few weeks prior to the wedding and made this portrait to settle the gamble I took. Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. HINT FOR THE MAZE SOLUTION: The path for the maze solution runs across both their hearts.
Created by Yonatan Frimer

You can also view this maze at he following source:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Maze art of the numbers three, five, six and nine, all in the form of mazes by Yonatan Frimer

Number Three (3) Maze
Maze by Yonatan Frimer of the number three (3)
Click for Maze Solution of Number Three (3) Maze
Maze of the number three (3) created by Yonatan Frimer. Maze of from the numbers chapter of the book "Learn To A Maze" which helps kids learn the alphabet and numbers through the use of mazes.

Number Nine (9) Maze
Maze by Yonatan Frimer of the number nine (9)
Click for Maze Solution of Number Nine (9) Maze
Maze of the number nine (9) created by Yonatan Frimer. Maze of from the numbers chapter of the book "Learn To A Maze" which helps kids learn the alphabet and numbers through the use of mazes.

Number Five (5) Maze
Yonatan Frimer maze of the number five (5)

Click for Maze Solution of Number Five (5) Maze
Maze of the number Five (5) for the maze learning book "Learn To A Maze". Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Number Six (6) Maze
Number Six (6) Maze
Click for Maze Solution of Number Six (6) Maze
Maze of the number Six (6) for the maze learning book "Learn To A Maze". Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. Created by Yonatan Frimer